Day 8 - August 23rd, 2019
Eigth Day of the Trip
N.B. Some images below might not be for the faint of heart due to the nature of the animal kingdom.
This country amazes me and it’s another beautiful morning..

We navigated back to the same area where we saw the leopard during the previous outing. All of a sudden, we noticed something just zipped passed by us ….

and we got a shocked that it was the leopard chasing after what looked like an impala. It was quite a distance away and I had to really zoom in to see it.
The next thing we saw was that the leopard grab the impala to a more secure area and started his breakfast.

Then the leopard decided that he would like to move his kill to a secure spot. You will see that the impala is double his weight and he will move a few feet and pause. he will keep repeating until he crosses over the river.

then.. he moves the kill to behind the bushes which ended our wait for it.

We moved on to the next animal… which are a bunch of big cats… meow… cheetahs… I hope by now you can tell the difference between a leopard and cheetah. We heard that they haven’t eaten yet and so we waited for them to hunt for some animals…

Tick Tock… The next thing I saw was interesting… It smelled something and then did its deed.

The big cats didn’t do much other than walk around…

so we decided to just drive around and get different pictures. We saw some elephants feasting on some scrubs on the ground.

Then.. the magnificent giraffe… check out the birds on the back…

We just saw a bunch more animals along the drive

It started to get late and we decided to give one last shot and headed back to see if the cheetahs will go out for their hunt. You guessed it.. they are a bunch of lazy cheetahs…

At least we got some great sunset pictures